Put its head on the shoulders of sex dolls

 This may be the sex doll model that made me really think about the course! (But unfortunately, not what I currently mean) which skin color did you choose? Anyway, I congratulate you! She will come to me with a tanned complexion and green eyes. My WM140 has been on the road for several days, and if all goes well, I should pick it up after work tomorrow. The program will be loaded, decompressed, visually inspected, cleaned, talc, put her head on the sex dolls shoulders and hair on the head, bandaging. Then, after all, I imagine she would forgive me for a headache. Note that for the skeleton, it may all be rotten, but for TPE, I can tell you that I see the difference between good TPE and bad TPE, the degradation rate is 20 times faster and the degradation is more serious It must depend on the model, the amount of material.


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